How to Sell a Dead Person’s Car: Everything You Need to Know


After losing a loved one, it’s only natural to wonder what will happen to their home, their belongings and of course, their car. In the case of the latter, there may be someone in the family or a close friend who is in need of a car, or you may simply want to free up space and sell the vehicle as soon as you can. However, there are certain technical obligations that must be fulfilled before you can sell a car from a deceased estate, and several options to consider thereafter. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the steps involved in selling a dead person’s car to ensure a smooth and efficient sale.

Selling a Dead Person’s Car: Legal & Technical Requirements To Note

Before selling a deceased person’s vehicle, it’s important to know what you legally can and cannot do. While we recommend seeking professional legal counsel before driving or selling a dead person’s car, here is some general advice that is worth knowing:

How To Sell a Car From a Deceased Estate: A Step-by-Step Guide

With the technical aspects of selling a deceased person’s car under control, and its legal ownership rights now undisputedly yours, you are now free to proceed with the sale. Here are the steps involved in selling a dead person’s car:

Car Selling Options You Can Take

When selling a car from a deceased estate, there are a number of potential options for you to choose from:

Frequently Asked Questions on Selling a Dead Person’s Car

Can I sell a deceased person’s car before probate is granted?

Generally, selling a dead person’s car before probate is granted is illegal. A Grant of Probate or a letter confirming you are the administrator to the estate is a requirement to transfer ownership of the vehicle to you, and to the subsequent new owner once it is sold. In some cases, it may be necessary to sell the vehicle prior to probate being granted to cover funeral or legal costs, in which case it is best to consult a lawyer or probate specialist for guidance.

Can I drive a deceased person’s car even if I don’t own it yet?

Until the car is transferred into your name as an executor, administrator or beneficiary, the car still legally belongs to the deceased person. Driving the car during this period may be seen as inappropriate use of estate assets, or unlawful possession of the vehicle. The vehicle insurance policy also may not cover you if you are not listed and the registration is still in the name of the person who is deceased.

Do I need to notify the transport authority about the person’s death?

Notifying the relevant transport authority in your state or territory is a critical part of selling a dead person’s car, ensuring fines and registration fees are not wrongly sent to the deceased. In most cases, this notification will be processed automatically when you transfer the ownership of the vehicle into your name prior to the sale.

Sell Your Car Hassle Free With AutoFlip

Many people wonder how to sell a car from a deceased estate, and how tricky the process actually is. With our handy tips and professional legal counsel, selling a deceased person’s car is a relatively swift and simple process, made easier by using AutoFlip to administer the sale once the vehicle is legally yours. If you have a vehicle from a deceased estate, send us its details today to experience a fast and efficient car selling process.