A person in a suit writing on a piece of paper with a miniature model car placed nearby

State-based regulations to be aware of when selling your car


The process of selling a car in Australia varies according to your location. While many regulations remain in place nationwide, different states and territories have specific requirements when transferring ownership of a vehicle. It’s important that you’re aware of the various rules in each state before selling your vehicle to avoid legal complications. This is particularly true if you sell privately as you take full responsibility for the end to end sales process. 

Selling with AutoFlip means the buyer is a Licensed Motor Car Trader with a LMCT licence. Selling to a licensed dealer means you can avoid some of the often costly and time-consuming requirements when selling your car  like getting a roadworthy certificate. This is just one of the reasons why our online car sales platform makes selling your vehicle a pain-free experience. Our dedicated customer support team can assist with any paperwork and guide you through the process.

Regardless of how you choose to sell your vehicle, we’ve created the below guide so you’re more informed about what’s involved.

Understanding the legal framework for car sales

There are a number of legal requirements that you should be aware of when selling a car in Australia. A document that transfers the registration to the new owner must be completed in each state and territory. Beyond that, there are various other documents and requirements that must be completed in each state or territory before the new owner can take delivery of your vehicle. Here is a guide to what is required.

New South Wales

The rules for selling a car in New South Wales stipulate that it’s the seller’s responsibility to provide a current safety inspection report, or pink slip, if the car is over five years old. The seller must also ensure no money is owing on the vehicle, and submit a Notice of Disposal to Transport for NSW. The buyer is liable for transferring the vehicle’s registration. 


Victorians should ensure the vehicle they are selling is transferred out of their name from the date of sale. The buyer and seller need to sign the transfer of registration form and send it to VicRoads within 14 days of the sale. A roadworthy certificate that is less than 30 days old must be provided with the sale of the vehicle. 


There are various rules for selling a car in Queensland, including obtaining a safety certificate. It is the seller’s responsibility to ensure that the safety check is carried out. The safety certificate must be less than two months old, and the car must have travelled less than 2000 kilometres since the inspection was completed. 

South Australia

In South Australia, sellers do not need to provide a roadworthy certificate when selling a car. The seller is responsible for submitting the transfer paperwork to the South Australian government within 14 days of the sale. Unlike other states, there is also no fee for transferring the ownership of a vehicle in South Australia. 

Western Australia

It is the seller’s responsibility in Western Australia to fill out the Notice of Change of Ownership document and submit it to the government. A roadworthy safety check is not required in Western Australia, and there is also no fee for transferring ownership of a vehicle. 


In Tasmania, a roadworthy safety inspection is not mandatory for privately sold vehicles. It is the seller’s responsibility to notify the Tasmanian Department of State Growth of the sale of the vehicle, using the Transfer of Vehicle Registration form available online or from a branch.

Northern Territory

The Northern Territory stipulates that the seller is responsible for ensuring the car’s roadworthiness. An inspection from an authorised party is not mandatory, but advised. The seller must also notify the Northern Territory’s Motor Vehicle Registry of the sale, using a Notice of Disposal form. 

Australian Capital Territory

In the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), it is the seller’s responsibility to provide a roadworthy certificate if the vehicle is over six years old at the time of the sale. The seller must also provide a Notice of Disposal to Access Canberra to inform the authorities of the transaction. 

Is there anything else I need to know?

This guide covers important rules specific to selling cars in each Australian state and territory, but it may not include detailed legal frameworks. Each region  may have more specific requirements, and may have updated their information since this article was published.

Each Australian state and territory has its own road transport authority, who will be able to provide further information on the legal frameworks for selling a car in their region.

For the most comprehensive and up-to-date information, it's recommended to consult directly with the relevant local authority or their official website:

New South Wales (NSW): Transport for NSW or Service NSW

Victoria: VicRoads

Queensland: Department of Transport and Main Roads

Western Australia: Department of Transport

South Australia: Service SA

Tasmania: Department of State Growth, Transport Services

Northern Territory: Motor Vehicle Registry (MVR)

Australian Capital Territory (ACT): Access Canberra

Regardless of whether you’re in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide or Darwin, AutoFlip’s online car sales platform can make selling your car quicker and easier than ever before.

Enter your vehicle details now and sell your car, the faster, easier and smarter way.